CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, new feature being added to HTML that gives both Web site developers and users more control over how pages are displayed. It points to all the great, extended information available on the Internet, wherever it may reside. Each posting on CSS allows for a pithy description of a particular problem and its solution, and can adapt to include rich screen shots and sample images, uploaded sample files and code, as well as descriptive tags to help you navigate through the issues and find related problems that may solve your specific bug or issue lickety-split.
HTML standards were developed to make electronic documents easy to share and process regardless of the type of device, computer platform or operating system used. Using valid HTML is the first step for creating accessible pages. Valid HTML pages are pages that adhere to a set of rules defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): these rules describe: the structure of HTML documents the elements that can be used their attributes their syntax. Every web page should contain information about the appropriate DTD being used. The DTD should be the first element at the top of every page. This is important for the following reasons:
1. So that newer browsers can change their behavior in accordance with the version of HTML you are using.
2. Without the correct DOCTYPE browsers may not render your web page correctly.
3. So that validation services such as the one provided by the World Wide Web Consortium can check if the HTML on the Web page conforms to the stated standard.
PHP is a powerful, open-source middleware tool for building Web applications, especially data-driven sites. With inherited connections to over twenty powerful relational database systems, PHP is the tool of choice for thousands of Web developers worldwide and an extremely attractive blend of features with a low cost of ownership. This versatile tool can now also be used to bring your FileMaker data to the Web. This white paper is intended to introduce the FileMaker Web development community to PHP and to explain its features and benefits.
Static websites are designed for easy downloadable images, browser compatibility and easy navigation having effective graphics and interactivity.
It can help your business to present your products, services, and any other important information you want your visitors to have access to. Building a static website is relatively simple because the development technology is simple to use.
A dynamic website is required for content such as online databases, e-business, collaborative content, membership, private areas, knowledge base, a resume or jobs database, online shopping site etc. A dynamic web page is any web page which has content that is changed by a program or script at the time the page is requested. Dynamic website pages are pages that allow a user to set preferences regarding what kind of information will be displayed. A simple static website is an interactive information sheet of your products and services while a dynamic website is capable of engaging the visitor and impacting the business more dramatically.
In creating innovative website design, there is nothing better than using Flash Web Design. Flash is the very important for creating scalable, interactive animation on the web, whether you are creating animated logos, website navigation controls, long form animation, or entire Flash websites.
Flash web design is a powerful technology that can help you to create spectacular websites, tutorials and demos. More and more people are recommending flash in their sites as flash can give website a look that emphasizes state-of-the-art technology and expertise.
Posted By : Kiran Solanki
An Email us on : info@outsourcingprogrammingservices.com
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